HTC CEO Peter Chou just announced the HTC Inspire 4G. Details about the HTC Inspire 4G's hardware stack are relatively scant, but the 4.3" screen begets a platform likely similar to the HTC EVO 4G, and will run Android 2.2. The Inspire 4G also appears to include HSPA+ support, not LTE.

The HTC Inspire 4G's real new feature is that it will be the first HTC phone with the new HTC Sense experience. HTC Sense brings a host of new enhancements, including context-aware ringtones - leave your phone in a purse or handbag, and the ringer will be appropriately louder, but silence itself when removed.


The New HTC Sense will also come with a web component,, which provides remote wipe, lock, and ring functionality similar to what Windows Phone 7 and iOS offer. The version of HTC Sense on the Inspire, while new stateside, appears to be similar to if not the same as what's offered on the HTC Desire HD and Z in European and Asian markets.

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  • Johnmcl7 - Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - link

    The new features listed in the article sound identical to those that were launched on the 'new' Sense with the Desire Z/HD so what is actually new on this HTC phone?
  • Brian Klug - Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - link

    The version of HTC Sense on this appears to be the same, so it's the first time we've seen it stateside. You're right though, I've noted it in the article :)

  • dann___ - Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - link

    Should also change " will be the first HTC phone with.." as it is factually incorrect :) Was also thinking "hmm this sounds very familiar to what the Desire HD/Z" heh
  • Deusfaux - Thursday, January 6, 2011 - link

    Bell has Desire Z, TELUS to soon get Desire HD.
  • right_mr - Saturday, January 15, 2011 - link

    Yes the desire z already features new sense. The hardware is v similar to the merge and the G2 (ignoring basebands ofcourse)
  • right_mr - Saturday, January 15, 2011 - link

    Well in summary, this new sense or whatever it is being called is just the next iteration of HTC sense as found on the Desire HD and Desire Z which were released in the UK in early/mid October.
    Having had a Desire HD since mid october with New Sense and comparing it to the Desire I had since early April,the new sense goes a lot further to stamp HTC's software on the phone. It is a lot better than the previous sense iteration in my opinion.

    I think this is HTC's main differentiator compared to other android phone manufacturers together with being the first it seems to release new qualcomm chips. Eg HD2 was first with the 1ghz first gen snapdragon and the Desire HD was first on the 2nd gen snapdragon. Without wanting to be fueling rumours, HTC will be first with the dual core snapdragons which will be far more powerful than the Tegra 2s. These new phones are being developed in secret and while I doubt they will be released before the LG Star, they will possibly be released by mid year.

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